Friday, April 12, 2024

9:00 AM – Noon  

  1. Welcome – Board Introductions
  2. Review Fall 2023 Membership Meeting Minutes – consider approval
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Discuss ideas/options for future WAPED networking and professional development events:
    1. Proposed positions to include on the WAPED Board, Conference Coordinator and Incoming Conference Coordinator
    2. Transition to a single state-wide conference in the fall when academic schedules are more aligned; do this by 
      1. not having a Spring 2025 conference
      2. during that time hold regular virtual sessions on timely topics
      3. plan our state-wide in-person conference for October 2025, after which all annual conferences will be in-person in the fall. 
    3. Other ideas?
  5. Introduce Committee Chairs and then Breakout Rooms
    1. Awards Committee – Natalie Barbero-Menchaca
    2. Conference Committee – Gretchen Hormel
    3. Public Relations Committee
      1. Public Relations & Outreach Committee – Mary Gerard
      2. 2-Year Representatives
        1. Katie Guernsey, Tacoma Community College
        2. Justin Smock, Skagit Valley College
      3. 4-Year Representatives
        1. Kim Thompson, Seattle University
        2. Eric Trekell, University of Washington
    4. Nominations Committee – Davi Kallman
    5. Membership Committee – Kaitlyn Vallance 
    6. Emerging Technologies Committee – Kyle Gonzalez
  6. Nominations for 2024-25 board vacancies and candidate introductions:
    1. President-Elect
    2. Treasurer
    3. Technology Advisor
    4. CTC Representative
    5. Four-Year College Representative
  7. Next Membership Business Meeting will be scheduled in October 2024
  8. Adjourn