WAPED Committee Structure and Information

WAPED has five standing committees as defined by the By‑laws. These committees, by definition, exist on an ongoing basis. The By‑laws also allow for ad hoc committees. These committees are appointed by the President on an as needed basis to accomplish a specific task.  Committees do important work that keeps the organization vibrant and contemporary, please consider joining one!

Notice: If you require interpreting or captioning services to attend committee meetings, please contact the committee chair. The committee chair and treasurer will work with you to accommodate your request. 

Awards Committee, chaired by the President-Elect

The Awards Committee shall consist of the President and at least four other members who will be responsible for coordinating and implementing the activities necessary for nominations of persons or organizations for awards at the Annual Spring Conference. This committee will also be responsible for planning the presentation and delivery of awards to the recipients.

Conference Committee, chaired by the President

The Conference Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing, activities necessary to conduct the Annual Spring Conference. The President‑Elect shall chair this committee. Other conferences may be planned and carried out at the direction of the Board.

Public Relations Committee, chaired by the Two-Year and Four-Year Representatives

The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for initiating, coordinating, and implementing information exchange among the Board, the membership, and other organizations and agencies involved in the education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The chair shall be a Board member or ex‑officio member of the Board.

Nominations Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President

The Nominations Committee shall be responsible for conducting the nominations and election procedures, ref. Article 3, Section 4. The Immediate Past President shall chair this committee.

Membership Committee, chaired by the Secretary

Committee meets to discuss membership concerns, marketing, website and the development of resources for members.

Emerging Technologies Committee, chaired by the Technology Advisor

The Emerging Technologies Committee is now a permanent committee! It is under development and will be shaped by membership as we move forward with this new committee. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email the board at board@waped.org.

Ad Hoc Committees:

Interpreters Committee, rotating chair

The Interprets Committee is charged with researching the latest issues relevant to sign language interpreters and transcribers in higher education.