Dates and times:
Monday April 26 – Friday, April 30


$25 Per member
$100 Per four people with institutional memberships (substitutions from that institution allowed for non-members if not all four members can attend)
$75 Per non-member

Conference Documents

Conference presentation documents will be provided to paid conference attendees only.

Business meeting documents and zoom link will be available to all WAPED members through the list serv.

Monday, April 26

10:00am-12:00pm Adam Meyer “Consideration of Complex Requests”
2:00pm-4:00pm “Campus Reopening, COVID Considerations, 2-year and 4-year Breakouts”

Tuesday, April 27

10:00am-12:00pm Technology Presentation (TBD)
2:00pm-4:00pm Linda Clemon-Karp “ADA, Title II, Disability Language and Etiquette”
5:00pm-6:00pm Hospitality

Wednesday, April 28

10:00am-12:00pm Jane Jarrow “All Creatures, Great and Small… on Campus!”
2:00pm-4:00pm “Communication Accommodations: Interpreters, Captionists, and When Tech is Not the Answer”
6:00pm-7:00pm Hospitality

Thursday, April 29 (Open Meeting)

10:00am-12:00pm “WAPED Business Meeting” – 2021 WAPED Board Nominations
2:00pm-4:00pm “Business Meeting Continued”

Friday, April 30

10:00am-12:00pm “Open Discussion Time” (including envisioning future WAPED conferences)